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thatsprettylane · 3 months ago
Begging y’all to put your fic under a cut. I’m so tired of blocking innocent people but I am not going to scroll all the way past your post in whatever tag I’m browsing. Please. You are killing the tag ❤️
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coyotesongwriting · 5 years ago
When It Rains, It Pours - Ch 2
Avengers - Bucky Barnes/Reader
Chapter 2 - Goodbye
Chapter Summary: With Thor’s offer looming over you, you have a decision to make. One that could have some pretty unintended consequences
Author’s Note: Thank you guys for reading this! All mistakes are my own!
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters so don’t sue me please. I just really like them haha
Tag List (if you want to be added or removed let me know!):    @he-is-chaotic-she-is-psychotic @queenoftheunderdark  @samsgoddess @redfoxwritesstuff​ @iheartsebastianstan​ @alexakeyloveloki​ @fookingmuffins​ @yasnooshka24​ @redfoxwritesstuff​
Not sure why tumblr is bugging out but it won’t let me tag @avengemari or @amazon-belle, I’ll keep trying to tag you guys though!
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You stared up at him, mind racing as you thought about his offer, “Thor… I’m not coming back here. Ever. Meaning I need to build a life somewhere. A real life.”
“Exactly. Build one in Asgard. You’d be welcomed as a warrior, and I know the others would love to meet you” a small smile began to cross his face, and you couldn’t help but consider his offer.
“But I’m a Midgardian? I’m human, Thor. Won’t that be, y’know, a problem?” you’d always wanted to see Asgard, and if you went you’d never have to worry about stumbling across Bucky on accident. The idea of a truly fresh start was honestly sounding like a really good one.
“No one would dare question you, Lady [Y/N]. You are as fine a warrior as any of us and you would be welcomed to remain if that is what you chose.”
You chewed your lip lightly, “What if… What if I don’t want to be a warrior anymore? What if I just want to be a baker?”
Thor shrugged, “Then you’ll run the finest Midgardian Bakery in Asgard. Well, the only one but still the finest. You’ll be welcome to stay then too.”
After a long moment, you put your hand on his, squeezing it tight, “Thank you. I’d love to go if you’re sure. When can we leave?” you paused, “ I don’t actually want to be a baker though” 
“We’ll leave in the morning, after we say our goodbyes” He nodded, putting out a hand to stop you before you could argue, “I won’t have them thinking I’ve kidnapped you. Besides, you’ve fought by their side for years. Regardless of what Bucky has done, you owe them a farewell.”
There was no arguing, and after a long moment, you quickly retreated to your room. You barely slept, tossing and turning all night. Even though you were distraught about the breakup, some part of you couldn’t wait to see what life in Asgard was going to be like. 
When dawn finally rolled around, you climbed out of bed, showered and raced down to the living room. Thor was already waiting for you in the kitchen, talking to Steve and Tony as they made coffee. You nodded a hello, setting your pack by the kitchen island and grabbing a small cup of coffee. Natasha had gone on the mission with Bucky it seemed, so you were waiting on Clint and Banner. Luckily, the scent of coffee seemed to summon them out of nowhere.
As you went to take a sip, Clint snagged the cup of your hands and took a seat next to you, letting out a grumbled greeting. You rolled your eyes, grabbing a muffin instead. He was always such a grouch in the morning, and to be honest you were going to miss that. It was always the perfect time of day to play pranks on him.
Thor cleared his throat, “I’ll be returning to Asgard today. I am unsure when I will be back. I have business to attend to.”
“We’ll be sad to see you go, Thor. Is there anything we can help you out with?” Steve asked.
Thor’s gaze met your own and you began to speak, “Actually… I’m going with him.”
Steve turned to you, puzzled, “How long will you be gone? What about Bucky?”
“I’m leaving the team. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. Bucky broke up with me last night, and I can’t be here when he gets back. I need to go clear my head” you let out a shaky breath, picking at the muffin in front of you. 
“He what?” Steve was clearly blindsided by the news, “You must have misunderstood. He’d never do that!” 
You felt Clint’s arm wrap around you in a one-armed hug, and you leaned in for a moment before glaring at Steve, “Yeah. It’s so easy to misunderstand when someone tells you, to your face, that they don’t love you. My mistake.” 
“[Y/N], he loves you. You know that. He’d never say that” Steve tried to defend Bucky, but even he wasn’t quite sure what to do or say here.
“But he did say it, Steve. And I can’t stay here. I love him” your voice broke and you took a breath before continuing, “Steve, I love him and I can’t stay here. I can’t wake up every day and see him. I am leaving. Today.”
“We could make him leave” Clint offered, his voice dark, “That way you can stay.”
You bumped Clint with your shoulder gently, “I appreciate that, but no. I need time away from all of this. Besides, this is his home, Clint.”
“It’s yours too” Tony finally broke his silence.
“Not anymore. Don’t worry about me guys, I’ll be alright” you tried to make your voice sound light, “I’ll be safe in Asgard, and it’s just the break I need from everything. I’ll get my head on straight, and everything will be alright in the end. Promise.”
Over the next hour, the others tried to convince you to stay. You would not budge though, and eventually, you got to your feet and slung your backpack over your shoulder. It was time to leave. You hugged Tony and Bruce, telling them to take care of each other and then turned to Clint.
Clint was muttering darkly under his breath, and you sighed. The two of you had become close since you’d been partnered for the first time. Whenever Bucky couldn’t be sent with you, Clint had been your partner and you’d filled in for Nat many times. You wrapped your arms around him tight, pulling him close. His arms quickly wrapped around you and for a moment you seriously worried he’d suffocate you. 
After a long moment, you stepped back, grabbing his chin to make him look at you, “Clint. I need you to swear you’ll be nice to him. I’m a big girl, and I’m making my own decision. You can’t be an ass to him about it.”
Clint said nothing. You stomped on his foot, hard, and he yelped loudly. You matched his silence, just staring at him, your foot tapping on the ground impatiently. After a long moment, he mumbled an agreement. 
“And for the love of God, stop forgetting to take your hearing aids out when you shower. At some point, Tony’s going to stop repairing them” you smirked, trying to lighten the mood a little. You hugged him tight one last time, before turning to look at Steve.
Steve hesitated for a moment before opening his arms. You could see how torn he felt as you stepped into his arms. You were his friend, but Bucky was his best friend and you’d expect nothing less than this indecision from him.
“Take care of him, please Steve” your voice was soft, and for a moment you worried he hadn’t heard you.
It wasn’t until you stepped back that he nodded to you, and you knew he understood. You turned to Thor, and with one last wave to those you were leaving behind, you left your old Midgardian life behind.
Two days later, Bucky and Nat returned from their mission. You were long gone, and the others were taking it rather hard. Bruce had barely left the lab, and Clint was busy plotting his revenge. He’d promised not to be mean to Bucky, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t continue his usual pranks and try to make life a little harder.
Clint watched as Nat strolled in and began to look around, searching for you. She’d picked up a small necklace she’d come across during the mission and she couldn’t wait to give it to you!
“Hey, [Y/N]! Come here!” she called out, strolling over to Clint.
Bucky blanched and began to make himself scarce but Clint’s snort stopped him in his tracks. Nat turned to Clint, perplexed. 
“[Y/N]’s not coming, Nat. She’s gone.” Clint explained, glaring at Bucky as he spoke.
“What? Where’d she go?” Nat looked between Clint and Bucky, curious as could be. 
“I think that’s a question for him” he growled, turning to the other man, his face unamused.
“What’s he talking about?” her voice grew cold as she turned to look at Bucky.
Bucky paused, trying to figure out what to say but Clint beat him to it, “He dumped [Y/N], and now she’s gone.” He watched the alarm flicker across Bucky’s face before he continued, “Thor took her back to Asgard. She said she couldn’t stay here anymore and now she’s gone.”
Nat had turned to Clint as he spoke, but now she whirled back to face Bucky. If looks could kill, Bucky would be six feet under. He began to blanch, stepping back out of her reach, but he was not quick enough. 
Bucky made no move to fight back as Nat began to beat on him. It wasn’t long before she had him pinned on the ground. Clint said nothing, merely watching Bucky get the beating he so rightly deserved. 
“Get off him, Nat!” Steve yelled. He’d heard the commotion from the kitchen, and come as fast as he could. 
He pulled Nat off of Bucky, frowning at the unhelpful Clint who merely shot him a cocky smirk as he watched. Steve gently shoved Nat back, standing between her and Bucky.
“Nat. She made her own decision, no one forced her to leave” Steve’s voice was tired as he blocked her.
“We just went on a damn mission together, Steve. He said everything was fine between them! He should have told me” she spat, her eyes shooting daggers as she stared at Bucky.
“What did you want him to do? Tell you he just dumped your best friend? Yeah, that’s a great plan on a mission.” Steve explained.
Clint reached forward, laying a hand on Nat’s shoulder. He didn’t agree with Bucky’s decision, but he was glad she came home safe, and if that meant Bucky lied to her for a weekend, well, he’d take it. She shrugged away from him, and stalked out of the room, shooting one last glare at Bucky as she left. 
Steve reached down to Bucky, offering the man a hand up, “What did you do?”
“I did what I had to” Bucky muttered, refusing Steve’s hand as he climbed to his feet.
Next Chapter->
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pinknerdpanda · 8 years ago
Bad Blood - Part 5
Characters: Reader x Dean, Benny 
Series Summary: You stop at a small cafe in Louisiana on your way home from hunting with the Winchesters. There is something about the man behind the counter that makes you hungry for more than just the pie.
Warnings for this chapter: Angst, language
Word Count: 2040 
A/N: Masterbeta’d by my friend and soul sister @wheresthekillswitch. You are amazing and I adore you. Thank you!
Behind? You can catch up here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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Bad Blood
Part 5
Baton Rouge, LA
His eyes meet yours briefly, shame and guilt twisting his handsome features, before he dips his head between your legs. This whole situation should be terrifying, but all you can think about is the delicious burn of his beard against the inside of your thighs, and the way his warm tongue dances across your skin. Every nerve in your body is alive and you fight the urge to claw at his head, wanting him to press his talented lips against your now soaking core.
Every thought of pleasure is ripped from your mind as his razor sharp teeth clamp down on your thigh, and you cry out his name for the third time that night; this time for a very different reason.
The pain is blinding as Benny’s lips and tongue work at the fresh wound, drinking you in. You clench your eyes shut, trying to block out the feeling.  Tiny sparks of color and light dance behind your eyelids as you feel yourself slowly begin to drift away. Dimly you register the sound of a high pitched laugh, before it fades into silence.
A loud thud startles you and you wrench your eyes open, surprised to find the pain in your leg has now eased some. You gaze down the length of your body, noting that your pants are still off as another thud sounds to your left.
The dull roar of voices catches your attention, but you struggle to make out any of the words. Thud. Placing one palm on the cold floor and the other against the dirty mattress, you try to sit up. When your body refuses to do as commanded you curse under your breath, your head falling to the side as your eyes dart around the room. Thud.
Your eyelids flutter shut again just before you feel a pair of strong arms slip carefully under your body and lift you up.
“You two stay here and clean this mess up. I need to get y/n to the motel and try to get her stitched up.” The familiar sound of Dean’s voice registers in your ears as you feel the vibrations of his words against the side of your face.
Dean stops suddenly, clutching you tighter against his chest.
“No, don’t you fucking touch her.” Dean’s tone is full of venom.
Dean works quickly to get the passenger side door open, sliding you across the plush bench seat and setting your pants next to you. You slump against the soft leather, as Dean slams his door shut and jams the key into the ignition in one swift motion.
Baby’s tires squeal into the early morning light, gravel and dirt raining down behind you as you fight the urge to let yourself drift off back to sleep. Thick foliage lining the side of the highway blurs into a smudge of greys and greens as Dean stomps on the gas pedal. Between the sway of the car and the rumble of the road, your eyelids grow heavy and the battle is lost.
The light squeak of the car door hinge stirs you as Dean reaches in, gripping you firmly and lifting you out of the car, kicking the door closed with one foot. Seconds later you feel yourself sink into a soft mattress.
Dean’s hands flit about your body, quickly removing the few remaining layers of clothes you are wearing. You force your eyelids to part and find Dean’s moss colored eyes examining you. The look of concern marring his handsome face simultaneously sends a chill down your spine and a flood of warmth through your body.
“Hey there, stay with me. Try to stay awake, sweetheart. Okay?”
In your years of knowing Dean Winchester, you’d known him to be many things: intelligent, cocky, fearless, sarcastic, protector. Tender was never a word you would have used to define this man. Except, here, in this moment, there’s not another word that you can think of to describe his demeanor. Concern isn’t the only thing twisting his handsome features and making his voice break; there is something deeper. Something you don’t understand, but you nod anyway.
One large hand cups the side of your face as the other traces the line of your neck, his fingers stopping just short of the bite marks.
His hand shifts then to your knee, hovering briefly as though touching you is something he needs to be very sure of before proceeding.  He presses lightly against your leg, gently nudging your legs apart.
“I need to see that bite on the inside of your thigh y/n. I think you might stitches. May I…?”
You nod weakly before letting your head fall back against the pillows. A growl escapes Dean’s throat and your eyes travel the length of your body to find the tender look on his face now replaced by a scowl. His eyes burn as they fix on the inside of your leg.
You feel the bed next to you dip before the door slams shut. Panic starts coursing through you just as you hear the trunk open and close. The bed dips again just before you feel Dean’s rough palm grasp the underside of your thigh. You look up as he starts digging with his free hand through the first aid kit he keeps in the trunk.
Dean begins stitching up your wound with a practiced technique. The fog begins to lift as he continues his work in silence. You swallow back the pain as he ties off the last knot. He presses a piece of gauze over the wound carefully and secures it with a few strips of medical tape.
“There. That should hold.” He begins returning the supplies to the small leather pouch, his eyes focused intently on his task.
“Thank you Dean.” Your voice is rough and weak. Dean’s jaw twitches as his name leaves your lips, but still, he refuses to look at you.
He nods curtly before zipping up the bag and standing again. He disappears into the bathroom for a moment. The faint sound of running water reaches your ears briefly and Dean emerges again with a small glass of water and places it on the table beside your bed. He turns quickly and before you can stop yourself, you grab for his arm. He freezes and looks down at your hand.
“Dean, stop. Talk to me. Please?”
After a few seconds of silence, he sighs and turns to sit on the edge of the bed. Resting his elbows on his knees, he stares carefully at his hands and presses his palms together.
“What do you want me to say?”
“I don’t know. I want to understand what is happening, here. You seem so….angry.”
He turns to you then and you can’t help but notice the red rim framing his eyes. He opens and closes his mouth and his eyes dart back and forth as though he is searching for the words to say. When he opens his mouth again, his voice is barely above a whisper.
“Why him?”
Now it is your turn to stare at him, mouth agape. When you don’t answer right away, he shakes his head and moves to stand again. You sit up too quickly reaching for his arm and your head starts to spin again. Dean turns to you, concern etched into his brow. You smile weakly and nod as the sensation passes.
“You wanna know why I’m mad, y/n? This. This is why!” His eyes blaze with fury.
“What the hell are you talking about, Dean?” His abrupt mood shifts are making you angry.
“You did this to yourself. You knew what Benny was and you chose to let him bite you. Not once, but twice tonight. And instead of being pissed about that, like I damn well should be, the only question I keep asking myself is ‘Why him?’”
“Are you…” your face screws up in confusion as you struggle to comprehend what he’s saying. “Are you saying...you're jealous?”
“No!” He bites back before sucking in a deep breath. “I don’t know.”
The events of the last 24 hours replay in your head on fast-forward. The cocky, gruff, self-righteous attitude you thought you’d been getting from Dean all night looks strangely different in light of this new information.
“Why would you be jealous, Dean?” Your eyes bore holes into the comforter on the bed as your mind races to try to put the puzzle pieces together. Dean groans before standing and pacing in front of the bed.
“I don’t know. I just…” He rubs his forehead with his thumb and forefinger as he chews absently on one side of his lip. “That year I was gone?” You nod. “Well, I was in purgatory. When I ganked Dick Roman, somehow I got sucked in with him. It gave me time to think about my life and the people in it. I met Benny there and he figured out a way for us to get out. The only thing I could think about was what I would do when I got back. All the things I should have said before; maybe I would finally have a chance to say them.”
“Dean, you’re not making any sense.” He stops pacing and comes to sit beside you on the bed again, sighing.
“I thought about you, y/n. Getting out and having a chance to see you and tell you that I care about you is what kept me going all those months.”  
As if his talk about Purgatory didn’t throw you for a loop, this last admission sends you into a tail spin.
“But...we don’t...I never...” you sputter, trying to verbalize the raging dialogue in your head. “I called you a ‘self righteous prick.’” Dean chuckles humorlessly.
“Yeah, I know. I think that’s why I’m in…” he stops, dropping his eyes to the carpet. “I think that’s what I like about you. You call me on my shit.”
You sit silently trying to come up with something to say. Dean continues.
“Anyway, when we called you in on this vamp hunt, I had every intention of telling you, but everything went to shit. You got hurt, and I just couldn’t do it.”
“Because, every time I get close to someone, something bad happens. I chickened out. And when we couldn’t get ahold of you, I freaked. But then we get there and I realized you and Benny had…” Dean’s jaw clenches and he speaks through clenched teeth. “It’s like no matter what I do, the universe has a way of fucking me over.”
“So that’s what Sam meant,” you think out loud. Dean’s head whips around.
“What did Sam say to you?”
“Nothing. I heard him talking to you on the phone and he said something like ‘you need to tell her.’”
Dean sighs. “I just...a vampire?” He shakes his head. “Really?!”
“It seemed like a good idea at the time.” You shrug. “You should have told me, Dean. There is no reason that you should suffer in silence because of something that might happen. I know what this life is about. I have no illusions that I am going to make it to old age, whether you confess your undying love to me or not.” There is a hint of teasing in your tone and you place a hand on his knee. “You can’t control what happens, but you can control how you react.”
Dean’s eyes meet yours and you see the conflict battle across his face. He places a palm against your cheek and you lean into his touch. The pad of his thumb brushes across your jawline and his eyes drop to your lips.
You feel the warmth of his breath against your lips as he whispers your name. His mouth meets yours, gently; a soft press of lips. When Dean’s tongue licks across your bottom lip, you open to him. Your tongues dance against each other as your hand clutches onto the back of his neck.
One of his strong arms wraps around your waist cradling you gently against his body. His other hand slides down from your cheek to the column of your neck before coming to rest against your collarbone, fingers splayed out along your chest as he pulls back. Thick, dark lashes fan out against his cheek as he sucks in a breath.
He looks at you then, his green eyes full an emotion you’d not seen there before. The intensity is unsettling and your stomach flutters, but you can’t look away. He kisses you again, harder this time as though he can’t get close enough to you.
The slam of the door startles both of you, and you jump, bumping your head against Dean’s. You both yelp in pain and surprise. You look up to find a pair of ice blue ones staring back at you.
“Well, well, cher. What do we have here?”
Read Part 6 Here
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Bad Blood Tags: @fadingbreath
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SPN Fanfic Pond Tags (Dean):
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